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[ZMF Day] ZMF Caldera Stabilize Wood Headphone

ZMF merupakan perusahaan butik dari Amerika yang specialist dalam membuat "Craftsmanship" High End Headphone dengan housing terbuat dari Wood, dari exotic wood sampai special process seperti Resin Stabilize.

ZMF Caldera merupakan "The Pinnacle" dari headphone ZMF, menggunakan Planar Driver yang dituning dengan House Sound ala ZMF: Natural, Organic, Musical, Lively with Clean Detail and Accurate Imaging Quality.

Caldera sendiri saat ini dianggap sebagai salah satu The Best Planar Magnetic Headphone di market, terutama buat yang fokus mencari sensasi suara Natural, Organic dan Highly Engaging.

Stabilize Wood Process:

"Stabilized wood is a magical entity. The wood we used for this special run started its life as a maple tree that unfortunately acquired an infection.

All this work to procure maple burl and stabilize the wood is a time consuming process, as it takes 6+ months from harvest to headphone, but we think the results show that’s it’s well worth the time, cost and effort!" - Zach Mehrbach (Founder ZMF Headphone)

Untuk design Stabilize Wood akan selalu unik, dan tidak akan ada design yang sama tiap unit nya (1:1).

Harga: IDR 64,000,000

Buat teman-teman yang mau audisi Demo Unit ZMF Caldera ini pastinya bisa langsung di Beyond The Music!

P.S: ZMF Caldera is One of The Most Engaging Flagship Headphone to listen to, and still hold the position as One of Our Most Favourite Full Size in today's market!


BTM Team

Beyond The Music

STC Senayan

Ground floor no.117-120

Jl. Asia Afrika No.1, Gelora, Jakarta 10270

Call/SMS/WA: 081370009002




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