Salah satu seri line up paling favorite Full Size Headphone dari Sennheiser saat ini, HD560S bisa dibilang "kental" akan nuansa Sennheiser seri HD600/650 namun dengan harga yang lebih affordable.
The entire frequency range is honest, complemented by smooth, deep bass extension. The 120 ohm transducer is all-new, featuring a specialized polymer blend in its membrane for linear excursion and improved brilliance above 10 kHz. - Sennheiser
Official Web:
Karakter suara khas "Sennheiser" yang balance, sedikit warm, dengan smooth sparkle treble, natural vocal dan tight punchy bass. Bikin HD560S jadi punya karakter All-rounder dan non fatigue untuk long listening time.
Harga: IDR 3,499,000
Buat teman-teman yang mau cobain Sennheiser HD560S ini pastinya bisa langsung ke Beyond The Music!
BTM Team
Beyond The Music
STC Senayan
Ground floor no.117-120
Jl. Asia Afrika No.1, Gelora, Jakarta 10270
Call/SMS/WA: 081370009002 / 081370006807